Hebel Block Systems

FRS is highly skilled in the installation of fire and acoustic rated Hebel blockwork. We use them regularly as a cost effective and ideal solution for fire walls.

HEBEL BLOCK SYSTEMSHebel blocks and floor planks are available in a range of thickness and are a versatile system to be used for fire and acoustic walls and floors for both internal and external applications. With over one and a half times the thermal resistance of double brick, superior acoustic performance and being non-combustible, Hebel systems satisfy all Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements.

Hebel products offer a solid method of construction, up to 4 hour fire rated protection and thermal insulation benefits. They also offer design flexibility due to their capacity to be cut and shaped easily, plus can be painted.

FRS recommends the use of Hebel due to its workability plus cost effectiveness for erection of new fire and acoustic rated walls and floors.

FRS often uses Hebel systems for  fire and acoustic wall construction, combustible stores and, in particular, capping-off riser shafts due to the suitability for Hebel Planks to be trafficable.

This product is a very versatile and a light weight fire resistant product suitable for both internal and external applications.

Hebel systems provide a solid foundation for risk minimisation. They are well tested, proven and designed to achieve NCC fire and acoustic rating compliance easily. Combining the non-combustible properties of Hebel with FRS’s skilled and expert installation, Hebel delivers high value, cost effective solutions that significantly reduce the number of fire and acoustic risk points in construction.

Please refer to further product information and data sheets in our Resources section.

Please do not hesitate to CONTACT US with any Fire Hebel Blockwork enquiries or for further information.