Fire Resistant Storeroom / Archive Manufacture

FRS builds fire, smoke and/or air resistant storerooms to suit your particular situation, needs and budget. An example of a chemical fire storeroom can be viewed here. Similar principals can be used to build rooms to protect archival materials, valuable merchandise, technology, data and communication rooms within your building, office or warehouse.

FIRE RESISTANT STOREROOM ARCHIVE MANUFACTUREA site inspection can be undertaken to determine the best type of construction and protection requirements to suit your specific needs including assessing issues such as access, air conditioning, lighting etc. Storerooms can be manufactured to provide up to 4 hours combustion protection.

Contact us now for a free quote.

Photo examples of Fire Resistant Storeroom product installations.

If you have any further enquiries or need more information please do not hesitate to CONTACT US regarding Fire Resistant Data, Storeroom or Archive Rooms.