FRS worked with Kane Constructions under tight time-frames on the COVID-19 recommissioning of hospital wards to open up new bed capacity within Victoria.
Project Name: Peter MacCallum Hospital Recommissioning
Location: East Melbourne, VIC
Client Builder: Kane Constructions
Work types: Penetration sealing of various services
. Electrical & Mechanical Enclosure
. Protection of Structural Steel
Period: May 2020
Engaged by Kane Constructions, this fast-paced project involved penetration sealing of various services, an electrical & mechanical enclosure plus the protection of structural steel to meet a 240/-/- FRL at the Peter MacCallum Hospital Recommissioning site in East Melbourne.
Under an accelerated 12 week program, this project was part of the Victorian Government’s funding boost to recommission old Victorian hospital wards to help handle the extra pressure of coronavirus on our health system. The refit of the former Peter MacCallum cancer hospital resulted in an 84-bed facility.
Under the direction of our FRS Project Manager, Michael Paolini, we applied 2 layers of Promatect L30 to multiple steel members supporting the medical gas tanks structure, in accordance with Promat Australia’s specifications. A calcium silicate fire protective board, this product was an ideal solution for this fast-paced project.
Due to the accelerated program, the FRS team worked day and night to ensure all timelines were met.
It was a pleasure to work with Kane Constructions on this important and challenging project.
This is yet another health sector project we are proud to be associated with …. FRS protecting life and property!